Advanced IoT Systems cover page

“Advanced IoT Systems” Coursebook

Here comes another part of the story: our first book, intended to be purely technical, has its successor: a book about the high-level, abstract design of IoT systems, solutions, and connectivity, with particular respect to cybersecurity in IoT.

Over 400 pages provide a comprehensive guide for IoT system designers, managers, and cybersecurity specialists. Note that we are not away from technology—the content is strictly related to the existing technologies, solutions, events, and activities that occur in the IoT world.

If you’re a master’s student, system designer, or engineer boosting your career from low-level tasks into IoT project design and management, this book is for you. You can read the whole book or select chapters that fit your needs.

The book contains chapters about IoT Design Methodologies, IoT Architectures with particular respect to IoT network design, IoT Data Analysis, IoT Security going even beyond the IoT world, Blockchain in IoT and Green IoT where we discuss all aspects of ecology, starting from green energy use, through energy efficient hardware and software design, finishing on wastes management.

Advanced IoT Systems cover page


This book is intended to provide readers with a comprehensive knowledge of IoT systems design on a conceptual level. It covers IoT design methodologies, IoT system architectures, IoT data-related aspects, cybersecurity in IoT systems, blockchain in IoT and green IoT. Almost every top-level chapter of the book constitutes a separate study module related to a selected aspect of the IoT system design so that this book can be treated as a set of separate guides as well as a solid and complete workbook for an entire IoT course for the master’s level.

The primary target group of readers are master’s students and industrial system designers such as CTOs. This book constitutes a comprehensive manual for IoT technology; however, it is not a complete encyclopedia nor exhausts the market. The reason for it is pretty simple – IoT is so rapidly changing technology that new devices, ideas and implementations appear daily. Once familiar with this book’s contents, the reader will understand the IoT systems’ design methodologies, tools and challenges. This book, however, comprises topics that are pf particular industrial interest – including but not limited to data analytics, cybersecurity and introduction to blockchains, which illustrated the diversity of the IoT world and technology landscape.

Even if most of the content is somehow technology-aware, the authors assume that persons studying the contents must have at least general knowledge of the technical details of IoT and embedded systems, including main components on the electronics level, networking, data processing and security.
For this reason, students starting their journey with IoT systems should instead start with the “Blue Book” first, which covers all technical aspects of IoT needed as background knowledge for this high-level approach towards IoT systems design.

Playing with real or virtual hardware and software is always fun, so keep going!


You can download the book in English, here:

Some hardcopy books will also be available through the Consortium institutions and stored in their libraries starting April 2025.


This Intellectual Output was implemented under the Erasmus+ KA2 – Higher Education.
Project IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded (2022-2025).
Project number: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000085090.

Erasmus+ Disclaimer
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Copyright Notice
This content was created by the IOT-OPEN.EU Consortium: 2022 – 2025.
The content is Copyrighted and distributed under CC BY-NC, free for Non-Commercial use.

About authors

IOT-OPEN.EU Consortium partners collective monography.
The complete list of contributors is juxtaposed below.

Riga Technical University
  • Agris Nikitenko, Ph. D., Eng.
  • Karlis Berkolds, M. sc., Eng.
  • Aleksejs Jurenoks, Ph.D., Eng
Silesian University of Technology
  • Piotr Czekalski, Ph. D., Eng.
  • Krzysztof Tokarz, Ph. D., Eng.
  • Godlove Suila Kuaban, Ph. D, Eng.
Tallinn University of Technology
  • Karlis Berkolds, M. sc., Eng.
External Contributors
  • DCB Distribution & Consulting Becker, Friedhelm Becker
Graphic design and images
  • Blanka Czekalska, M.Sc., Eng., Arch.
  • Piotr Czekalski, Ph. D., Eng.
Technical Correction
  • Eryk Czekalski
Reviewers (1st edition)

… coming soon …

Reviewers (2nd edition)

… coming soon …

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