IoT MOOC Courses
Here, we announce current IoT courses in the form of self-study, MOOC. We provide courses for free in self-study mode, so both application and participation are free. However, obtaining a verified certificate may be a paid service. Please refer to the terms and conditions directly in the online learning platform.
Some courses run on a pre-defined schedule, but core courses hosted by the consortium EU partners are available 24/7 for starting. Currently, we’re preparing to provide courses via two platforms:
- EDX (EDX):
- A dedicated platform with new and updated courses comes in mid-2024.
Course title: A Subjective Introduction to the IoT
Level: Introductory
Brief description: If you have no idea what is IoT and how to start your adventure with IoT, programming and networking, keep studying. This course is a painless introduction to IoT technology.
Full description:
This course covers an overview of selected IoT technologies, tools and methods. Firstly, you’ll find out what IoT is; then, we will guide you through the popular IoT hardware, including Arduino and Espressif ESP8266 and ESP32 System on Chips, sensors and actuators, and finally, through the introduction to networking. Right enough for now to let you understand IoT ideas, start programming and embrace IoT technology. Even configure your devices to talk to your home network and send data over MQTT to the cloud.
In detail, we discuss the genesis of the IoT deeply, enabling technologies that made IoT devices to hit over 20 billion devices to be interconnected by 2020. We also briefly review the popular scenarios extensively utilising IoT approaches and devices.
Once you get an IoT overview, it is time to step into the technical details. In the following part of the course, we will introduce you to the Arduino microcontrollers, Espressif ESP8266 and ESP32, and several popular sensors and actuators.
The following section is on microcontroller programming in the popular Arduino IDE.
Finally, we will introduce you to the IoT networking. This course uses a regular IP network with basic MQTT application protocol presentation. The course contains example codes in C++, usually “Hello World” style, including networking, communication with sensors and actuators and even short programming in C++ crash course.
What you will learn:
- Definition of IoT devices.
- Use cases and scenarios for IoT.
- IoT hardware, including Arduino and Espressif SoCs.
- IoT sensors and actuators, their connectivity and their programmatic control.
- Programming in C++ is general and specific for the SoCs, as mentioned earlier.
- IP networking principles for Espressif SoCs.
Course length and effort: About 6 weeks, 4-5 hours per week. Self-study model.
- Secondary school (high school) physics, algorithmic.
- An elementary understanding of computer networks, in particular, IP networking.
- IOTOPEN1x Course Structure Definition File
- IOTOPEN1x Learning Curve & Video Supplementary Package
- IOTOPEN1x Youtube Playlist
How to apply?
Option 1:
If you’re interested in the certified course, starting September 2019, courses are hosted via the EDX platform (you still can review it for free).
Courses on the platform are free of charge, but you may choose a paid version with a tutor and certification. Follow the guidance of the EDX platform on how to access the course here (links to
Option 2:
A new, dedicated platform comes in mid-2024.
Course title: IoT Networking and Fog Layer Devices
Level: Intermediate
Brief description: In this course, students will learn about specific IoT networking protocols and Fog devices programming, here Raspberry Pi, in Python and C# languages.
Full description:
If you have some experience with IoT end node devices, here comes an advanced part for networking.
In detail, we present networking layer protocols, 6LoWPan and selected application-level protocols, including an in-depth presentation of the MQTT and CoAP protocols. We also present important facts on other popular networking protocols like Bluetooth, BLE, TCP/IP, UDP, and HTTP and their relation and usability in the IoT world. The course contains material covering different networking IoT scenarios, including gatewaying, routing, star and mesh network topologies.
We also present in detail the Raspberry Pi platform as an example of the Fog computing device, including a short course on Python programming for Raspberry Pi under Raspbian OS and C# programming for Raspberry Pi under Windows 10 Core IoT OS.
As materials are provided by authors who develop real IoT solutions and work not only in academia but also in industrial projects, your study will have applied character, getting you ready for the challenges of the IoT world, including Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities, Smart Metering and many, many others.
What you will learn:
- IoT network topologies include star and mesh, device-to-device, device-to-gateway and device-to-cloud.
- 6LoWPan and its relation to IPv4 and IPv6.
- General information about Bluetooth Scatternet and Bluetooth Mesh (5.0) network topologies.
- Cellular communication principles and their use in IoT solutions.
- Information about hardware and operating systems for the Raspberry Pi platform.
- Programming (including GPIO and interfacing sensors and actuators) in Python for Raspberry Pi under Raspbian OS. This includes basic information on OS installation and development environment configuration.
- Programming (including GPIO and interfacing sensors and actuators) in C# and Microsoft Visual Studio for Raspberry Pi under Windows 10 Core IoT OS. This includes basic information on OS installation and development environment configuration.
Course length and effort: About 8 weeks, 4-5 hours per week. Self-study model.
- General understanding of embedded systems.
- Understanding of how GPIO works, particularly with connection to different sensors and actuators, digital transmission and embedded systems protocols like SPI, I2C and OneWire.
- Understanding of IP networking, wired and wireless communication and higher-level protocols like HTTP.
- IOTOPEN2x Course Structure Definition File
- IOTOPEN2x Learning Curve & Video Supplementary Package
- IOTOPEN2x Youtube Playlist
How to apply?
Option 1:
If you’re interested in the certified course, starting September 2019, courses are hosted via the EDX platform (you still can review it for free).
Courses on the platform are free of charge, but you may choose a paid version with a tutor and certification. Follow the guidance of the EDX platform on how to access the course here (links to
Option 2:
A new, dedicated platform comes in mid-2024.
Course title: Data Management, Data Security and Robot Operating System as a Common Tool for IoT
Level: Advanced
Brief description:
Data management and its security and privacy is an essential topic for IoT. The development of common solutions with the same vulnerabilities creates a new challenge! Open-source software allows source code development under community monitoring and fast reaction in case of a problem. Robot Operating System as a way to IoT data collection and control will be shown.
Full description:
If you are interested in home automation and connected devices, this course is for you. IoT security and privacy are a big challenge with increasingly connected devices. The authors will guide you through the guidelines and will show common vulnerabilities. After that part, you can make your work more secure.
There are many software solutions for IoT, and we’ll focus on the popular open-source framework OpenHAB. It provides an interface to connect and tune your device. The next tool for software development in the IoT field is the Robot Operating System. It’s a common framework for robot programming, but the unique IoTbridge tool bridges ROS and the OpenHAB Home-Automation system.
We are staying on the way to Web3 technologies, making peer-to-peer communication between devices possible. Now, the traffic between machines becomes more significant than the traffic generated by people. And direct routing between devices became reasonable in the sense of sustainability and economy of IoT solutions.
What you will learn:
- Security and privacy guidelines.
- Several cases of how to find and fix vulnerabilities.
- Robot Operating System programming introduction.
- IoT bridge library for device and software communication.
- OpenHAB as a common interface for home automatization and IoT.
- Peer-to-peer device communication.
Course length and effort: About 4 weeks, 4-5 hours per week. Self-study model.
- C++ or Python programming.
- Understanding of the basic programming for embedded systems, for example, ESP32.
- Knowledge of IP networking, wired and wireless communication, and higher-level protocols like HTTP.
- IOTOPEN3x Course Structure Definition File
- IOTOPEN3x Course Learning Curve & Video Supplementary Package
- IOTOPEN3x Youtube Playlist
How to apply?
Option 1:
If you’re interested in the certified course, starting September 2019, courses are hosted via the EDX platform (you still can review it for free).
Courses on the platform are free of charge, but you may choose a paid version with a tutor and certification. Follow the guidance of the EDX platform on how to access the course here (links to
Option 2:
A new, dedicated platform comes in mid-2024.
Intellectual output disclaimer and copyright notice
Erasmus+ Disclaimer
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Copyright Notice
This content was created by the IOT-OPEN.EU Consortium: 2016 – 2019 and 2022-2025.
The content is Copyrighted and distributed under CC BY-NC, free for Non-Commercial use.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This project was implemented under the Erasmus+ KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education.
Project IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded: Education-based strengthening of the European universities, companies and labour force in the global IoT market.
Project number: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000085090.
Sponsored by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System
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This content was created by the IOT-OPEN.EU and IOT_OPEN.EU Reloaded consortium: 2016 – 2019 / 2022-2025.
The content is Copyrighted and distributed under CC BY-NC Creative Commons Licence, free for Non-Commercial use.
In case of commercial use, please contact IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded consortium representative.
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