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  • Create Date 2023-07-12
  • Last Updated 2023-07-12

MOOC Video Recording Best Practices Whitepaper

Current academic courses are the subject of widely accepted conversion from classical paper and book-based
teaching towards multimedia presentation. The young generation no longer demands classical study but,
instead, a mixed model where they can choose to study online and on-site, moreover willing to change it day
to day and week to week to fit their living model. This puts considerable pressure on the academic staff and
teachers to propose eye-catching study formulas and introduce a blended learning model. Academia is
evolving now towards news-like and social-media-like information presentation. Young people entering
academia already have vast experience with grabbing knowledge rapidly, usually using hearing and visual
experiences as primary forms rather than reading. Even if reading is provided, they expect it to appear on the
screen rather than on the paper and, best, as a movie-attached information, in the form of an animated text

A correct and entertaining presentation of the information is essential for successfully authoring current
online courses, whether their purpose is MOOC, a blended learning model, or just a short report.
This whitepaper proposes several hints and models while implementing videos presenting academic and
engineering knowledge.

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